Saturday, April 14, 2012

Vaasthu Mural

This is also called Gurjari painting - it is supposed to bring prosperity to our homes and workplace..its important element is the sun involves lot of intricate work - its done on a plywood board using acrylics, mirror, 3D liners and thread...

Vaasthu Mural 1
Vaasthu Mural 1
This s another vasthu mural, a creative variant of the above one..

Vaasthu Mural 2
Vaasthu Mural 2

This is another vaasthu mural..I started off with this painting as I wanted to utilise some of the unused fabric in my house - the white satin cloth and the border...the main focus is teh Sun God as this is a vaasthu is surrounded by shaped mirrors and areca nuts (called paakku in tamil..) painted using 3d liners..

Vaasthu Mural 3
Vaasthu Mural 3


  1. can this be used as a vastu object can this be displayed in the hall office
    good thought process and has a commercial angle to this; think about it

  2. Ya sure v can use this in a commercial aspect..

  3. Hey good blog.. congrats... byw, was ths the one u started to do wen i was there at ur hse???
